A Geography Lesson
We're planning a new project about countries in the Hispanic world in the Spanish Club at my kids' school. We are making "Flat People" (kind of like a "Flat Stanley" paper doll) wearing traditional Latin American clothing. For an example of a traveling paper doll project, see:
Here's What We Did:
I photocopied a paper doll cutout (see PDF file below):
In advance, parents sent in a headshot photo of their child and signed a permission form so they would know the photo would not be returned, and to give their consent for sending the paper dolls with photo faces around the world to visit my friends.
During class, I wrote words on the board for the art supplies we used, and asked kids to come to the front table to request what they needed by saying, "Necesito _____________."
- Papel de construcción (de color rojo, verde, amarillo, café, etc.)
- Una muñeca (la fotocopia)
- Los colorines
- Las tijeras
- El pegamento
- Unos colorines (un Crayon de color________)
When the dolls were complete, at the end of our Spanish Club meeting, I invited the kids to come to the front of the room to place their dolls in the pre-addressed envelopes to be sent around the world.
I sent home a map and asked parents to help their child to find the countries together, and to decide whether they want their paper doll Flat Self to go to Barcelona, Spain, Costa Rica (2 locations), Baja California in Mexico, Mexico City, or Argentina.
The paper dolls have made their first stop in Tijuana, Mexico. They visited the Hidalgo Market where vendors are preparing for Christmas celebrations with figures of the Nativity for decorating their homes in time for the Posadas.
Finding Host Families
I wrote to a few friends in Costa Rica, Argentina, Spain, and Mexico to enlist their help with hosting these paper dolls. Here's my note:
Querido/a _____,
Quisiera pedirte un favor. Tengo un
grupo de niños en un "club de español" en la escuela de mis hijos.
Quiero que hagan unas muñecas de papel para enviar por correo a
diferentes partes de Latinoamérica. Podría enviarte un paquete de
muñecas de papel y pedirte que les saques una foto para enviarme por
Facebook o por email? La foto de las muñequitas se podría tomar en un
lugar de tu barrio, o una visita que haces a una tienda interesante, o en algún lugar
de interés turístico en la ciudad. Podría ser una foto con tu familia o
tu casa. Después de sacar la foto, podrías tirar las muñecas a la
basura--- no me las tienes que devolver. Ya habrán servido su propósito
de llevar a la clase en un viaje virtual.
Si tienes tiempo para recibir un paquete de personitas hecha de papel, déjame saber. Gracias por considerar la idea.
They all said yes, and now the kids have been assembling packages of paper dolls. We mailed the first set of paper dolls yesterday!
Si tienes tiempo para recibir un paquete de personitas hecha de papel, déjame saber. Gracias por considerar la idea.
They all said yes, and now the kids have been assembling packages of paper dolls. We mailed the first set of paper dolls yesterday!