Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Resources to Inspire Empathy about Immigration

I presented at the #AATSP17 conference in Chicago this week on: "Discussing sensitive current issues in the Spanish classroom: A Humane Education approach"

I've gathered some resources for inspiring empathy in civic dialogue when talking about political change and about immigration policy. Here are links to some activities and materials I have used in the Spanish language classroom to spark conversation and reflection.

 •Familias sin fronteras (3 min)
 •A Family Endures the Tragic Side of Immigration
 •Invisible Mexicans of Deer Canyon: (Trailer)
 •Frontline: A Tale of Two Villages
 •Buen Viaje – Immigration between Morocco and Spain (Film in Spanish without subtitles here) •Dying to Live
 •Victoria para Chino (in the textbook Rumbos with subtitles in English / Spanish)
 •Life in the Deportee Slums of Mexico
 •Sin nombre (full length feature film—use with reading Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario)

 •Cajas de Cartón: Memorias de un niño campesino de Francisco Jiménez
 •Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario

 •Deported Veterans Support House
 •No más muertes / No More Deaths
 •Radio Ambulante episodes on immigration